"#well obvwiously thats not violet is it"

hey cool cat readin this. my name is nereus but you can call me cronus as i am a fictiwve of him (the guy from homestuck). i dont really mind.

i have an interest in a lot of things but specifically the "greaser" subculture and musicals. also music itself. i play bass guitar sometimes. as vwith everyone i also play certain wvideo games vwhich i cant think of any right nowv to put but you can ask me if i knowv any and ill tell you. you can also ask me anything really about my interests or just anything in general. i dont bite.

i like grease 1 and 2. and also the sawv movies for some reason.

id like to think im a pretty cool guy but i can be a bit assholey at times which i also fail to notice too. please tell me if im doing anythin vwrong. i dont vwant to make people uncomfortable around me.

also if it vwasnt obvwious already i hawve a typin quirk thats pretty self explanatory if you pay attention to it. i can prowvide a translation if you need one but i dont think its that hard to read. also i may emphasize in CAPS or with a #.